Claremont Heritage 6 by 2026 endowment effort

Thank you for Supporting Claremont Heritage!

Our generous, conservation-minded community helped preserve our history by partnering with us and donating funds to restore the Garner House to its former glory. Thank you! We seek to expand and build upon that incredible show of support and work to establish an endowment fund that will help sustain and expand Claremont Heritage's mission for future generations to experience and seek your participation in this achieving this goal.

Please make your gift today, no matter the amount - to continue leading Claremont Heritage forward. All gifts make a difference.

If you would like to explore how your legacy can be part of our legacy, please consider Claremont Heritage in your planned giving. For more information on how you can leave can make a lasting difference in preserving Claremont's heritage in the future please contact, Executive Director, David Shearer at (909) 621-0848 or

Collectively, we can help prepare the next generation of citizens who value the special character defining features that make and keep "Claremont Claremont". It is only with your support that we will achieve this important goal.

David Shearer
Executive Director

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Claremont Heritage aims to increase the endowment fund to
$600,000 by 2026,
in time to celebrate the 50th Anniversary.
We are calling on our members, supporters, and community members
to help us reach that goal.

What can you do?
Click here to learn more...

CLAREMONT HERITAGE • 909.621.0848 •
Located in the historic Garner House at Memorial Park, 840 N. Indian Hill Blvd, Claremont California
Mailing Address: PO Box 742, Claremont CA 91711